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A tabby cat

Ever Wondered What Goes On In Your Cat’s Mind?

January 07, 20244 min read

Ever Wondered What Goes On In Your Cat’s Mind?

Lifestyle Collective, January 7, 2024

By Emma Di Salvo 

For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by cats. The way they think, move, and can go from sitting comfortably one second to running and jumping around like a crazy thing the next! They have a reputation for being aloof, and it’s true. They are perhaps not a “needy” animal, and they certainly like things to be on their terms. But throughout my life, I have found that cats have shown me more kindness and empathy than some people I have encountered. 

But have I been misinterpreting their behaviour to mean something it doesn’t simply because it feels comforting? Or do cats genuinely care about us and our feelings? What really goes on in the mind of a cat?

The Cat Whisperer’s Opinion

According to cat behaviourist and presenter of the much-loved series, “My cat from Hell,” Jackson Galaxy claims they enjoy making meaningful bonds with humans and are more complex creatures than given credit for. For these fur balls, it isn’t just about providing them with the food they need for survival; they like being around “their human,” just as much as dogs do. 

To understand your cat or any feline, look at their body language. For example, if your cat’s tail is upright, this could indicate that they are happy or excited. If their tail goes big and bushy like a fox’s, this could mean they feel threatened or scared. 

Something my cats do a lot of is staring at me and slowly closing and opening their eyes. This is commonly known as “The Slow Blink,” aka the “I Love You,” blink. Research has shown they do this with people they trust and enjoy the company of. Try it out if you have a cat and let us know if they blink back at you. 

Miss Lady

Did you know that adult cats only meow for our benefit? Kittens need to vocalise to their mother to let her know if they are cold or hungry, and once they have passed this stage, they no longer need to. They often make other noises at each other, mainly to show displeasure, but the meow is just for us! They do this because, over time, they have evolved and learned that if they meow to a human, nine times out of ten, it is met with a positive response. 

One of mine, Miss Lady, is one of the chattiest cats I have ever known. After almost ten years of being her owner, I am confident I can tell what she is trying to communicate by listening to her “talk.” They have lots of variations of meows. Some high, some low, some short and some long. But they will usually use the same (or very similar) meow for the same issue. 

For example, Miss Lady will tell me when to clean the litter box. Her meow is high and long. I know if her blanket is not in the right place because she will stand beside it and trill at me. If her routine changes in any way, shape or form, or my husband and I do something outside our usual routine, she will tell us that she is cross by letting out a long, low-pitched meow. 

Now, this doesn’t mean I know exactly what she is thinking. Of course not. But it’s pretty damn close.


Samuel is my second cat. It’s hard to describe my relationship with him because it is so unique and special. Samuel is my best friend, and I think we know each other pretty well. He is very in tune with my feelings. He knows when something isn’t quite right with me. 

You might be asking yourself, how do you know? And you’re right. I can’t say with 100% certainty that I’m correctly interpreting his actions and behaviours. However, the fact that every time I cry, he kneads my stomach (often called making biscuits by crazy cat people!), does the softest of meows, then climbs onto me for a cuddle makes me think not only can he sense my unease, he cares too. 

Evidence suggests that cats pick up on “vibes,” can read our body language, and access the tone of our voice to determine what kind of mood we’re in. Whether they actually care about us as individuals or are capable of love is open to interpretation. But from my experience, and many other cat owners too, the evidence is clear.

Cats are amazing animals. They are stubborn, like routine and can be aloof, but they are also loving, loyal and hilariously funny. No one can say for sure what goes on in a cat’s mind. Still, we can make educated guesses based on their body language, vocalisations and behaviour. 

Sorry, but step aside, dogs, it may be cats that are a man’s (and certainly this woman’s!) best friend, after all! 

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Emma Di Salvo

As a freelance writer living in Malaysia, I feel extremely lucky to be able to write and explore Asia at the same time. When I'm not travelling, I love being at home with my husband, 2 cats and rabbit. I'm a big foodie and passionate about the film industry.

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