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A child hanging Christmas decorations

Try Something Different This Christmas (Or Next!)

December 25, 20234 min read

Try Something Different This Christmas (Or Next!)

Lifestyle Collective December 25, 2023

By Emma Di Salvo

Christmas is, without a doubt, my favourite time of year. I love almost everything about it. The songs, the food, spending time with family and friends, and the gifts! However, something I have noticed about it as I’ve gotten older is that it’s all getting a bit “samey.” 

For some, the prospect of doing something totally different for Christmas can be daunting. While it is a magical time of year, it also carries a heck of a lot of pressure, especially if you are the one hosting

It’s important to remember that it is an annual event. Doing something different this year doesn’t mean you must do the same next year. For many, it is the idea of letting people down that often forces them into the same Christmas routine. But you must remember that you are important, too! 

So, how do you go about celebrating Christmas differently? 

Here are my top tips on jazzing up for your Christmas and doing things a little differently while not losing any of that oh-so-important Christmas spirit.

Get Away

This is probably the most significant change you can make on Christmas: being somewhere else. During my time living in Malaysia, I have had many friends go to Thailand and other places for the big day, and they have definitely not regretted it. 

This option is more accessible for people who are single or married without children, but even if you have a family, don’t let that put you off. If you can’t afford to go somewhere ‘fancy,’ look at options within your country. You might be surprised at what you find!

Keep It Intimate

For some, the idea of not inviting certain people for Christmas is scarier than going away! If you’ve always celebrated it in the same way, with the same people, the mere thought of having a ‘quieter’ one might sound quite appealing. 

Feeling extreme guilt and stress at Christmas is a genuine thing that most adults experience at least once in their lives. So, how do you let your loved ones know what you’re planning without hurting their feelings? 

Firstly, let people know your plans in advance. Secondly, be honest. Most people will understand if you explain that you want a more intimate celebration. And if they don’t? No presents for them!


Perhaps you want to change things up, but the examples above are a bit extreme. No problem, start small! Experiment with different foods. Maybe you’re sick of always having a chicken or turkey and want to try something new. There are many options available that you may not have previously considered. Here are three of my favourites:

Roast Ham

If done correctly and with the correct trimmings, roast ham is to die for. I remember my Granny would always cook one for Boxing Day, and sometimes I would enjoy it more than the food on Christmas! The combination of the sweet ham, mustardy gravy and crispy roast potatoes is heavenly.

Wild Boar

This might sound a bit “wild,” but by my brother’s request, we had wild boar one Christmas. Boar is like regular pork but with more gamey, dark red meat. It has quite an intense flavour and goes nicely with sweet and nutty stuffing. Also, cold wild boar sandwiches are rather delish!


I’m unsure what inspired my mum to cook quail one year, but I remember the meal well. Quails are relatively small birds, so be prepared to give one each to every guest. This can make things challenging if you have many guests, so I suggest 4-6 people at most. It tastes very similar to chicken, so it goes well with all the usual trimmings, including my favourite—bread sauce!

Other alternatives such as goose, pheasant or venison also make great choices or flip the script entirely and go with a fantastic vegan option such as a nut roast or vegan Wellington!

Eat Out

I have known people to go out for their Christmas lunch. I am still deciding if I love or hate this idea! On one hand, all the food is cooked and prepared. You just show up and stuff your face. I definitely like the sound of that! 

But I also cannot imagine not being at someone’s house on Christmas Day. There’s something quite impersonal about the whole thing to me. But nothing is stopping you from partying at home after. This one may not work for me, but it may work for you.

‘Tis the season to be jolly! Just make sure that you are jolly. Feel free to mix things up if you’re tired of the same old same old on Christmas Day. From implementing the most minor changes to the biggest, enjoying the festivities how you want is essential. 

So, all that’s left to say is have a very Merry Christmas and give yourself the gift of choices that make you happy this year and next! 

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Emma Di Salvo

As a freelance writer living in Malaysia, I feel extremely lucky to be able to write and explore Asia at the same time. When I'm not travelling, I love being at home with my husband, 2 cats and rabbit. I'm a big foodie and passionate about the film industry.

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