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4 People standing looking at their phones

The True Cost Of Upgrading Smartphones For Status

December 18, 20234 min read

The True Cost Of Upgrading Smartphones For Status

Lifestyle Collective, December 18, 2023

By Kiko Dametra

We live in a fast-paced world, and smartphones have become integral to our lives. They are useful for communication, entertainment, and everything in between. However, the constant release of new models and features boosts our desire to upgrade. But is upgrading smartphones to show off worth it? 

Deciding to upgrade when your smartphone has no problems is a personal decision. We all have our preferences and usage needs when dealing with smartphones, and we all use them differently. But, avoiding an upgrade can help save money and may be more environmentally friendly. 

The Temptation To Show Off

Upgrading a smartphone solely to show off can have several negative consequences, both on an individual level and for the environment. Considering these drawbacks before succumbing to the pressure of constantly upgrading is essential. Here are some negative consequences to consider:

1. Financial Strain

The latest smartphone models often come with a hefty price tag. Constantly upgrading to keep up with the newest releases can quickly drain your budget, causing impulsive spending, credit card debt, or other financial difficulties.

2. Perpetual Dissatisfaction

The desire to show off the latest smartphone can create a never-ending cycle of dissatisfaction. In a fast-paced technological landscape, newer and more impressive models will always hit the market. Upgrading to show off can result in a constant need for validation through material possessions, leading to dissatisfaction with your current device.

3. Environmental Impact

Electronic waste is a concern in the tech industry, adding 2-3% to greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. From the extraction of raw materials to the manufacturing process and eventual disposal, smartphones contribute to carbon emissions, resource depletion, and electronic waste. We perpetuate this cycle of environmental harm by constantly upgrading our smartphones.

4. Electronic Waste

Upgrading smartphones increases electronic waste. Old devices are often discarded, leading to landfill accumulation and the improper disposal of hazardous materials. Electronic waste poses an environmental threat, and toxic substances like lead, mercury, and cadmium risk our health.

5. Resource Depletion

The production of smartphones requires the extraction of various raw materials, including rare earth metals and minerals. Constantly upgrading smartphones contributes to the depletion of these resources, which are often extracted through environmentally damaging practices. This further exacerbates the negative environmental impact of the smartphone industry.

Benefits Of Upgrading Your Smartphone

If you’re upgrading your smartphone, it should be for the true benefits that come with it and not just showing off. These include: 

1. Improved Performance

Upgrading to a newer smartphone often means accessing faster processors, increased RAM, and better graphics capabilities. This translates to smoother multitasking, faster app loading times, and improved overall performance. It can enhance productivity in gaming experiences and efficiently handle resource-intensive tasks.

2. Enhanced Features

Newer smartphone models often come with innovative features that significantly improve user experience. These may include improved camera capabilities, better battery life, enhanced security features like facial recognition or fingerprint scanning, and advanced display technologies like OLED or AMOLED screens. These features can improve photography, security, and visual quality.

3. Software Updates

Upgraded smartphones usually receive regular software updates from manufacturers, providing access to new features, bug fixes, and security patches. These updates ensure that devices are running on the latest operating systems, which can improve device stability, compatibility with apps, and security against potential threats.

4. Future Compatibility

Older smartphones may struggle to support new apps and software updates as technology advances. Upgrading ensures you can use the latest applications, games, and features requiring more recent hardware or software capabilities.

Sustainability And Eco-Friendly Practices

While upgrading smartphones may have drawbacks, approaching smartphone usage more consciously can positively impact the environment and our personal lives.

We can effectively promote sustainability by extending the lifespan of our smartphones. Instead of upgrading immediately a newer model is released, we can focus on maximising the usability of our current devices. 

Taking proper care, such as using protective cases and regularly updating software, can significantly prolong the life of a smartphone. This reduces electronic waste and saves money in the long run.

Another way to promote sustainability is by choosing smartphones from eco-friendly brands. Some brands are changing their production processes, shipping, and packaging with eco-friendly phones made from recycled materials, including the Samsung Galaxy S23 series and the iPhone 14. Other companies focus on environmentally conscious practices, like reducing carbon emissions during production and implementing responsible recycling programs. So, when we support these brands, we encourage the industry to adopt more sustainable practices that contribute to a greener future. We should all strive for a future where technological advancements align with sustainability.

Upgrading smartphones just to show off is not worth its negative consequences. Financial strain, perpetual dissatisfaction, and environmental harm are some of the repercussions of this mindset. 

Instead, I suggest we should engage in activities that promote our mental well-being and put the money spent on upgrades into spa days, nights out with friends, or an exercise class that makes us feel good.

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