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Caught In The Procrastination Web? Emotional Management Can Set You Free

December 20, 20234 min read

Caught In The Procrastination Web? Emotional Management Can Set You Free

Lifestyle Collective, December 20, 2023

By Iolee Anagnostopoulou

Procrastination, the age-old adversary of productivity, is a sly companion that often derails our best intentions. We’ve all been there: Scrolling through Instagram reels instead of conquering that looming to-do list or going to bed at a healthy time. 

But here’s the kicker: Contrary to common belief, procrastination isn’t about laziness, lack of motivation or poor time management. Instead, it’s an emotion management issue. It is a dreadful dance with our feelings we’d rather avoid at any cost—and we usually end up paying for it anyway. 

Understanding The Emotional Landscape

At its essence, procrastination is avoiding present discomfort by pushing it onto a future self we don’t emotionally connect with. We are basically outsourcing negative emotions to a future version of ourselves, who we think will be better equipped to deal with them—even though we’ve witnessed, time after time, that’s often not the case. 

Stressed about that project? Zone out in front of your phone. Daunted by an upcoming deadline? Grab a drink with friends.

Whatever the case, procrastination becomes our coping mechanism for dodging anxiety, boredom, perfectionism, or a cocktail of insecurities. We swap out responsibilities for instant gratifications like baking or socialising, all in an attempt to sidestep the present unease.

Caught In A Vicious Circle

Despite our awareness of the impending consequences of procrastination, it persists as an irrational habit—a vicious cycle of delay, guilt, and eventual action, usually accompanied by tons of stress. 

Night owls often find themselves entangled in ‘revenge bedtime procrastination,’ sacrificing precious sleep for extended YouTube binges. Others scatter their attention by attempting to multitask multiple activities without fully committing to any, creating a chaotic ‘time confetti‘. 

The struggle is undeniably real, but unravelling the ‘why’ behind this self-sabotaging mechanism might be the way to resolution.

Tackling Procrastination

Like with all deep-rooted bad habits, one can’t just ‘stop procrastinating’. The first step towards change is being honest with yourself and understanding the root cause of your procrastination. Is it fear of failure or a quest for perfection? 

Once you pinpoint the root, look for a solution that works for you. Remember, it’s not a one-size-fits-all scenario; Each individual’s journey toward overcoming procrastination is unique and requires a personalised approach. Here are some tips to help you tackle procrastination habits on your way to transformation:  

1. Set Achievable Goals

  • Stop letting big tasks overwhelm you with the ‘Salami Slicing’ technique: Set measurable mini-goals and break them down into achievable steps over time, avoiding the perfectionist’s ‘all-or-nothing’ trap—when I have/am X, then I will Y.   

  • Establish realistic boundaries around tasks and avoid spreading yourself too thin, saying yes only to what aligns with your goals and time constraints.

2. Prioritise

  • Jot down your goals (or use an app) and rank or colour-code based on importance, focusing on tasks needing immediate attention and shorter deadlines. Less urgent things can wait for now. 

  • You can use the Eisenhower Matrix to systematically categorise tasks based on urgency and importance, thus disrupting the cycle of instant gratification.

3. Minimise Distractions

  • Create a comfortable workspace free of anything—and anyone—that could hinder your productivity.

  • For more drastic measures, consider shutting down your phone or deleting certain apps altogether, even temporarily, to ensure uninterrupted focus. Perhaps it’s also time to take a break from that party animal friend who tends to push you off track.

4. Time And Anxiety Management

  • Set realistic deadlines, delegate where possible, and experiment with the Pomodoro Technique—25-minute focused intervals with 5-minute breaks.

  • Procrastination leads to increased stress and anxiety, so it’s good to start practising mindfulness techniques like meditation and maintain an overall healthy lifestyle.

5. Give Yourself A Break

  • Schedule deliberate breaks and use them for activities that foster a sense of rejuvenation. For example, reconnecting with yourself through yoga or having a virtual coffee with a friend.

  • Celebrate your small wins and accept that, at times, the best cure for procrastination is allowing yourself a much-needed, guilt-free break.

Normalising Procrastination

Look, it’s okay to procrastinate sometimes; We all do it. But, rather than beating yourself up or striving to eliminate it entirely, the key is understanding the underlying emotions. Are you avoiding something deeper or just unclear about the task? Procrastination is fundamentally a complex emotional challenge, and mastering it requires a mix of mindfulness and strategic action. 

So go back to that task you’ve been avoiding or re-approach that matter you’ve been dreading with a new sense of purpose. Remember, the goal isn’t to eradicate procrastination altogether; It’s about being aware of and managing the emotions driving it so that you can create a healing ground for your coping mechanism. 

And hey, give yourself a pat on the shoulder for reading this today and officially taking a step towards positive change. Don’t forget, it’s action that brings motivation, not the other way around. 

Tick-tock, time to conquer!

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